“#NousToutes, towards a violence’s normalization?”

Organized around the fight against gender-based and sexual violence, #NousToutes initially had the ambition to “raise consciousness levels within society”. In 2018, nearly 50,000 people marched in the streets under the purple placards of the #NousToutes collective – and the DIY banners of “dissident” organizations like NousAussi. The following year, the mobilization was greater with 150,000 people across France.

Other actions are also organized on/offline by the organization, like interpellation and denunciation of public authorities, or education against violence. Generally, the organization’s strategies necessarily respond to a communicational perspective, and the use of different online platforms is plural and adapted to each of them.

This study invites us to look at the issues raised by the media production deployed by #NousToutes, between the standardization of deviance and the universalization of violence. By focusing on the organization (and management) of the collective and its massive use of digital platforms on which the expressive potential is framed, the way in which the collective participates in the normalization/universality (heterosexual) of the policies of gender-based and sexual violence will be questioned.

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